Sunday, March 11, 2007

Draft of Draft for DMT Learning Proposal

I have spend a whole day to check my documents and figure out what I should learn in DMT course. I have great interest in e-commerce, which need DMT things a lot.

In fact, I should learn a lot about DMT, not just for the course, but just for my future. XHTML, PHP, SQL, Java Script, XML,... too many programming things I should learn. I used to like to learn from delicately planned lectures. In Tim's class, I smelt sth. different: I have to plan for myself.

I have read some books about HTML and CSS, but can hardly remember the tags' meaning. I have learned sth about PHP, but it is superficial, and I even didn't try to set a dynamic website for my own. I know sth about SQL, XML... but never use them in any on-hand practice. Finally, I got a picture of myself: what I need is to do some work really through my hands. And I aim to get familiar the whole development process from the very beginning.

It's said that PostgreSQL has all the all the modern db features. So I wanna have a try on it. Then I choose Apache+PHP+PostgreSQL on Linux as my publishing platform. I have collected some highly reccommended books/ebooks:

  1. Html,.Xhtml.And.Css.Bible

  2. Apress - Beginning PHP and PostgreSQL 8 From Novice to Professional

  3. Apress - Pro PHP XML and Web Services

  4. OReilly.PHP.Hacks.Tips.and.Tools.For.Creating.Dynamic.Websites

Going through these books won't be my aim. I just will do sth myself with these books. Regarding to my interest in e-commerce, I'd like to design a e-commerce web site realizing catalog and transation data retrieved from database.


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